Air Disinfection & Purification for:


Classroom air quality is essential to student health and academic performance.

NanoStrike™ eliminates and protects against harmful airborne pathogens that cause sickness and absenteeism.

Our children deserve to learn and grow in a clean and healthy environment. Unfortunately, aging school buildings, sub-par ventilation, and dense class sizes all have an impact on the air quality of a school classroom. These factors contribute to airborne pathogens like bacteria, viruses, molds and VOC’s circulating through air students and faculty are exposed to daily.

Eliminates & Protects Against:

Airborne Viruses



Mold & Spores

Odors & VOCs

School Districts Protected By NanoStrike

NanoStrike™ helps students perform their best.

Scientific studies have shown that indoor air is 5-10x more contaminated than outdoor air. Further, studies indicate poorly ventilated classrooms and bad air quality can cause an up to 5% drop in attention and an 11 point decrease in test scores*. NanoStrike ensures that the air our students and teachers breathe is clean while staying whisper-quiet to help them concentrate. NanoStrike also helps reduce the spread of disease which keeps our kids in school performing their best.

* (Park, 2016)


Fayette County Public Schools
Indian Hill School District

Benefits for Classroom Environments:

Ready to Learn More?

We’re ready to prove to you that NanoStrike™ offers the most protection and best value for your students, faculty and staff. Federal ESSER funds are available to make the upgrade. We’ll even help you get started.